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LoRaWAN Surface Mounted Parking Sensor

The DC-10 is based on standard LoRaWAN to detect the status of parking space. When it detects that there is a car parked in or leaving the parking space, the status information of the parking space will be sent to a LoRaWAN gateway, will transmit the information to NS, then LoRaWAN network server will decode the LoRaWAN data and interface with the smart parking platform to achieve real-time management of parking lots. widely used in urban road-side parking space and other application scenarios.

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Easy and cost-effective installation and maintenance
Environmental sustainability and cost savings
LoRaWAN parking sensors offer convenience to drivers by helping them find available parking spaces quickly and easily
Increased productivity and revenue
businesses offering parking services can allow drivers to reserve parking slots in advance, enabling them to drive directly to their reserved spot without the need to wander around looking for an available space.